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A: administration or management ag: different agness: Interesting agssen: differenting agthh: unpleasantly different agA: acceptable management agAness: things running smoothly agAssen: managing things acceptably agAthh: Effective management agag: mundane agagness: being mundane agagssen: mundaning agagthh: fundamentalist agaimo: infinity agaimoness: being infinite agaimossen: having too much spare time agaimothh: vacuum agbarov: container agbarovness: containing agbarovssen: absorbing agbarovthh: airhead agbee: night agbeeness: calm agbeessen: nighting agbeethh: sleep dep agcth: limb agcthness: spare part agcthssen: handling agcththh: bad limb agdego: unusual occurence agdegoness: not feeling oneself agdegossen: doing something unusual agdegothh: unpleasant unusual occurence agdoy: sex toy agdoyness: being unusual agdoyssen: vibrating agdoythh: broken thing ageeb: busy time ageebness: being busy ageebssen: running around like a chicken with its head cut off ageebthh: not actually long period of time, just seems that way agfloink: intentional community agfloinkness: living together agfloinkssen: building community bonds agfloinkthh: unpleasant community agga: insanity that doesn't match speaker's agganess: confusion/internal conflict aggassen: arguing aggathh: mergle insanity aghara: dessert agharaness: pseudo-random (number generator) agharassen: doing or saying things that are sickeningly sweet agharathh: bad food agkanerve: nebula agkanerveness: nebulous agkanervessen: nebulating (coalescing/creating) agkanervethh: place where evil aliens live aglee: fortune telling agleeness: being psychic agleessen: scritching agleethh: scamming by telling fortunes agmaigo: opposite extremes agmaigoness: being in dynamic opposition agmaigossen: war agmaigothh: opposing fundamentalists agmaigothhssen: torturing agmergle: interesting people agmergleness: being worth talking to agmerglessen: saying interesting things agmerglethh: nerds agmilio: amusing agmilioness: being amusing agmiliossen: laughing agmiliothh: humiliation agmir: mood agmirness: being moody agmirssen: setting a mood agmirthh: bad mood agness: opinion agnessness: other or different than truth being or completely agnessssen: other or different than truth actively agnessthh: other or different than truth negating agplowto: other or different than knowledge or understanding agplowtoness: other or different than knowledge or understanding being or completely agplowtossen: other or different than knowledge or understanding actively agplowtothh: other or different than knowledge or understanding negating agqueh: other or different than penny for your thoughts? agquehness: other or different than penny for your thoughts? being or completely agquehssen: other or different than penny for your thoughts? actively agquehthh: other or different than penny for your thoughts? negating ags: other or different than curl or transformation agsness: other or different than curl or transformation being or completely agsssen: other or different than curl or transformation actively agsthh: other or different than curl or transformation negating agshgrum: other or different than a waterless bay filled with orange jello agshgrumness: other or different than a waterless bay filled with orange jello being or completely agshgrumssen: other or different than a waterless bay filled with orange jello actively agshgrumthh: other or different than a waterless bay filled with orange jello negating agshmirnitz: other or different than lake agshmirnitzness: other or different than lake being or completely agshmirnitzssen: other or different than lake actively agshmirnitzthh: other or different than lake negating agsni: other or different than soft agsniness: other or different than soft being or completely agsnissen: other or different than soft actively agsnithh: other or different than soft negating agssen: other or different than action agssenness: other or different than action being or completely agssenssen: other or different than action actively agssenthh: other or different than action negating agthh: other or different than value or judgement agthhness: other or different than value or judgement being or completely agthhssen: other or different than value or judgement actively agthhthh: other or different than value or judgement negating agyod: other or different than not agyodness: other or different than not being or completely agyodssen: other or different than not actively agyodthh: other or different than not negating agzequezidik: other or different than significant other agzequezidikness: other or different than significant other being or completely agzequezidikssen: other or different than significant other actively agzequezidikthh: other or different than significant other negating agzingy: other or different than I have it! agzingyness: other or different than I have it! being or completely agzingyssen: other or different than I have it! actively agzingythh: other or different than I have it! negating agzorch: other or different than dark purple agzorchness: other or different than dark purple being or completely agzorchssen: other or different than dark purple actively agzorchthh: other or different than dark purple negating aimo: definite aimoness: expression of emphatic agreement aimossen: selling something aimothh: incorrect Aness: expletive Assen: governing (negative) Athh: expletive


barov: incompleteness barovness: incompleteness being or completely barovssen: incompleteness actively barovthh: incompleteness negating bee: day beeA: small administration or management beeAness: small administration or management being or completely beeAssen: small administration or management actively beeAthh: small administration or management negating beeag: small different beeagness: small different being or completely beeagssen: small different actively beeagthh: small different negating beeaimo: small definite beeaimoness: small definite being or completely beeaimossen: small definite actively beeaimothh: small definite negating beebarov: small incompleteness beebarovness: small incompleteness being or completely beebarovssen: small incompleteness actively beebarovthh: small incompleteness negating beebee: small day beebeeness: small day being or completely beebeessen: small day actively beebeethh: small day negating beecth: small grasping thing beecthness: small grasping thing being or completely beecthssen: small grasping thing actively beecththh: small grasping thing negating beedego: small dego beedegoness: small dego being or completely beedegossen: small dego actively beedegothh: small dego negating beedoy: small thing beedoyness: small thing being or completely beedoyssen: small thing actively beedoythh: small thing negating beeeeb: small longer period of time beeeebness: small longer period of time being or completely beeeebssen: small longer period of time actively beeeebthh: small longer period of time negating beefloink: small city beefloinkness: small city being or completely beefloinkssen: small city actively beefloinkthh: small city negating beega: small insanity beeganess: small insanity being or completely beegassen: small insanity actively beegathh: small insanity negating beehara: small random or pizza beeharaness: small random or pizza being or completely beeharassen: small random or pizza actively beeharathh: small random or pizza negating beekanerve: small star beekanerveness: small star being or completely beekanervessen: small star actively beekanervethh: small star negating beelee: small cute or Tarot beeleeness: small cute or Tarot being or completely beeleessen: small cute or Tarot actively beeleethh: small cute or Tarot negating beemaigo: small extreme beemaigoness: small extreme being or completely beemaigossen: small extreme actively beemaigothh: small extreme negating beemergle: small people beemergleness: small people being or completely beemerglessen: small people actively beemerglethh: small people negating beemilio: small interesting beemilioness: small interesting being or completely beemiliossen: small interesting actively beemiliothh: small interesting negating beemir: small emotion beemirness: small emotion being or completely beemirssen: small emotion actively beemirthh: small emotion negating beeness: small truth beeness: day being or completely beenessness: small truth being or completely beenessssen: small truth actively beenessthh: small truth negating beeplowto: small knowledge or understanding beeplowtoness: small knowledge or understanding being or completely beeplowtossen: small knowledge or understanding actively beeplowtothh: small knowledge or understanding negating beequeh: small penny for your thoughts? beequehness: small penny for your thoughts? being or completely beequehssen: small penny for your thoughts? actively beequehthh: small penny for your thoughts? negating bees: small curl or transformation beesness: small curl or transformation being or completely beessen: day actively beesssen: small curl or transformation actively beesthh: small curl or transformation negating beeshgrum: small a waterless bay filled with orange jello beeshgrumness: small a waterless bay filled with orange jello being or completely beeshgrumssen: small a waterless bay filled with orange jello actively beeshgrumthh: small a waterless bay filled with orange jello negating beeshmirnitz: small lake beeshmirnitzness: small lake being or completely beeshmirnitzssen: small lake actively beeshmirnitzthh: small lake negating beesni: small soft beesniness: small soft being or completely beesnissen: small soft actively beesnithh: small soft negating beessen: small action beessenness: small action being or completely beessenssen: small action actively beessenthh: small action negating beethh: small value or judgement beethh: day negating beethhness: small value or judgement being or completely beethhssen: small value or judgement actively beethhthh: small value or judgement negating beeyod: small not beeyodness: small not being or completely beeyodssen: small not actively beeyodthh: small not negating beezequezidik: small significant other beezequezidikness: small significant other being or completely beezequezidikssen: small significant other actively beezequezidikthh: small significant other negating beezingy: small I have it! beezingyness: small I have it! being or completely beezingyssen: small I have it! actively beezingythh: small I have it! negating beezorch: small dark purple beezorchness: small dark purple being or completely beezorchssen: small dark purple actively beezorchthh: small dark purple negating


cth: grasping thing cthA: Lovecraftian administration or management cthAness: Lovecraftian administration or management being or completely cthAssen: Lovecraftian administration or management actively cthAthh: Lovecraftian administration or management negating cthag: Lovecraftian different cthagness: Lovecraftian different being or completely cthagssen: Lovecraftian different actively cthagthh: Lovecraftian different negating cthaimo: Lovecraftian definite cthaimoness: Lovecraftian definite being or completely cthaimossen: Lovecraftian definite actively cthaimothh: Lovecraftian definite negating cthbarov: Lovecraftian incompleteness cthbarovness: Lovecraftian incompleteness being or completely cthbarovssen: Lovecraftian incompleteness actively cthbarovthh: Lovecraftian incompleteness negating cthbee: Lovecraftian day cthbeeness: Lovecraftian day being or completely cthbeessen: Lovecraftian day actively cthbeethh: Lovecraftian day negating cthcth: Lovecraftian grasping thing cthcthness: Lovecraftian grasping thing being or completely cthcthssen: Lovecraftian grasping thing actively cthcththh: Lovecraftian grasping thing negating cthdego: Lovecraftian dego cthdegoness: Lovecraftian dego being or completely cthdegossen: Lovecraftian dego actively cthdegothh: Lovecraftian dego negating cthdoy: Lovecraftian thing cthdoyness: Lovecraftian thing being or completely cthdoyssen: Lovecraftian thing actively cthdoythh: Lovecraftian thing negating ctheeb: Lovecraftian longer period of time ctheebness: Lovecraftian longer period of time being or completely ctheebssen: Lovecraftian longer period of time actively ctheebthh: Lovecraftian longer period of time negating cthfloink: Lovecraftian city cthfloinkness: Lovecraftian city being or completely cthfloinkssen: Lovecraftian city actively cthfloinkthh: Lovecraftian city negating cthga: Lovecraftian insanity cthganess: Lovecraftian insanity being or completely cthgassen: Lovecraftian insanity actively cthgathh: Lovecraftian insanity negating cthhara: Lovecraftian random or pizza cthharaness: Lovecraftian random or pizza being or completely cthharassen: Lovecraftian random or pizza actively cthharathh: Lovecraftian random or pizza negating cthkanerve: Lovecraftian star cthkanerveness: Lovecraftian star being or completely cthkanervessen: Lovecraftian star actively cthkanervethh: Lovecraftian star negating cthlee: Lovecraftian cute or Tarot cthleeness: Lovecraftian cute or Tarot being or completely cthleessen: Lovecraftian cute or Tarot actively cthleethh: Lovecraftian cute or Tarot negating cthmaigo: Lovecraftian extreme cthmaigoness: Lovecraftian extreme being or completely cthmaigossen: Lovecraftian extreme actively cthmaigothh: Lovecraftian extreme negating cthmergle: Lovecraftian people cthmergleness: Lovecraftian people being or completely cthmerglessen: Lovecraftian people actively cthmerglethh: Lovecraftian people negating cthmilio: Lovecraftian interesting cthmilioness: Lovecraftian interesting being or completely cthmiliossen: Lovecraftian interesting actively cthmiliothh: Lovecraftian interesting negating cthmir: Lovecraftian emotion cthmirness: Lovecraftian emotion being or completely cthmirssen: Lovecraftian emotion actively cthmirthh: Lovecraftian emotion negating cthness: Lovecraftian truth cthness: grasping thing being or completely cthnessness: Lovecraftian truth being or completely cthnessssen: Lovecraftian truth actively cthnessthh: Lovecraftian truth negating cthplowto: Lovecraftian knowledge or understanding cthplowtoness: Lovecraftian knowledge or understanding being or completely cthplowtossen: Lovecraftian knowledge or understanding actively cthplowtothh: Lovecraftian knowledge or understanding negating cthqueh: Lovecraftian penny for your thoughts? cthquehness: Lovecraftian penny for your thoughts? being or completely cthquehssen: Lovecraftian penny for your thoughts? actively cthquehthh: Lovecraftian penny for your thoughts? negating cths: Lovecraftian curl or transformation cthsness: Lovecraftian curl or transformation being or completely cthssen: grasping thing actively cthsssen: Lovecraftian curl or transformation actively cthsthh: Lovecraftian curl or transformation negating cthshgrum: Lovecraftian a waterless bay filled with orange jello cthshgrumness: Lovecraftian a waterless bay filled with orange jello being or completely cthshgrumssen: Lovecraftian a waterless bay filled with orange jello actively cthshgrumthh: Lovecraftian a waterless bay filled with orange jello negating cthshmirnitz: Lovecraftian lake cthshmirnitzness: Lovecraftian lake being or completely cthshmirnitzssen: Lovecraftian lake actively cthshmirnitzthh: Lovecraftian lake negating cthsni: Lovecraftian soft cthsniness: Lovecraftian soft being or completely cthsnissen: Lovecraftian soft actively cthsnithh: Lovecraftian soft negating cthssen: Lovecraftian action cthssenness: Lovecraftian action being or completely cthssenssen: Lovecraftian action actively cthssenthh: Lovecraftian action negating cththh: Lovecraftian value or judgement cththh: grasping thing negating cththhness: Lovecraftian value or judgement being or completely cththhssen: Lovecraftian value or judgement actively cththhthh: Lovecraftian value or judgement negating cthyod: Lovecraftian not cthyodness: Lovecraftian not being or completely cthyodssen: Lovecraftian not actively cthyodthh: Lovecraftian not negating cthzequezidik: Lovecraftian significant other cthzequezidikness: Lovecraftian significant other being or completely cthzequezidikssen: Lovecraftian significant other actively cthzequezidikthh: Lovecraftian significant other negating cthzingy: Lovecraftian I have it! cthzingyness: Lovecraftian I have it! being or completely cthzingyssen: Lovecraftian I have it! actively cthzingythh: Lovecraftian I have it! negating cthzorch: Lovecraftian dark purple cthzorchness: Lovecraftian dark purple being or completely cthzorchssen: Lovecraftian dark purple actively cthzorchthh: Lovecraftian dark purple negating


dego: dego degoness: dego being or completely degossen: dego actively degothh: dego negating doy: thing doyA: actual administration or management doyAness: actual administration or management being or completely doyAssen: actual administration or management actively doyAthh: actual administration or management negating doyag: actual different doyagness: actual different being or completely doyagssen: actual different actively doyagthh: actual different negating doyaimo: actual definite doyaimoness: actual definite being or completely doyaimossen: actual definite actively doyaimothh: actual definite negating doybarov: actual incompleteness doybarovness: actual incompleteness being or completely doybarovssen: actual incompleteness actively doybarovthh: actual incompleteness negating doybee: actual day doybeeness: actual day being or completely doybeessen: actual day actively doybeethh: actual day negating doycth: actual grasping thing doycthness: actual grasping thing being or completely doycthssen: actual grasping thing actively doycththh: actual grasping thing negating doydego: actual dego doydegoness: actual dego being or completely doydegossen: actual dego actively doydegothh: actual dego negating doydoy: actual thing doydoyness: actual thing being or completely doydoyssen: actual thing actively doydoythh: actual thing negating doyeeb: actual longer period of time doyeebness: actual longer period of time being or completely doyeebssen: actual longer period of time actively doyeebthh: actual longer period of time negating doyfloink: actual city doyfloinkness: actual city being or completely doyfloinkssen: actual city actively doyfloinkthh: actual city negating doyga: actual insanity doyganess: actual insanity being or completely doygassen: actual insanity actively doygathh: actual insanity negating doyhara: actual random or pizza doyharaness: actual random or pizza being or completely doyharassen: actual random or pizza actively doyharathh: actual random or pizza negating doykanerve: actual star doykanerveness: actual star being or completely doykanervessen: actual star actively doykanervethh: actual star negating doylee: actual cute or Tarot doyleeness: actual cute or Tarot being or completely doyleessen: actual cute or Tarot actively doyleethh: actual cute or Tarot negating doymaigo: actual extreme doymaigoness: actual extreme being or completely doymaigossen: actual extreme actively doymaigothh: actual extreme negating doymergle: actual people doymergleness: actual people being or completely doymerglessen: actual people actively doymerglethh: actual people negating doymilio: actual interesting doymilioness: actual interesting being or completely doymiliossen: actual interesting actively doymiliothh: actual interesting negating doymir: actual emotion doymirness: actual emotion being or completely doymirssen: actual emotion actively doymirthh: actual emotion negating doyness: actual truth doyness: thing being or completely doynessness: actual truth being or completely doynessssen: actual truth actively doynessthh: actual truth negating doyplowto: actual knowledge or understanding doyplowtoness: actual knowledge or understanding being or completely doyplowtossen: actual knowledge or understanding actively doyplowtothh: actual knowledge or understanding negating doyqueh: actual penny for your thoughts? doyquehness: actual penny for your thoughts? being or completely doyquehssen: actual penny for your thoughts? actively doyquehthh: actual penny for your thoughts? negating doys: actual curl or transformation doysness: actual curl or transformation being or completely doyssen: thing actively doysssen: actual curl or transformation actively doysthh: actual curl or transformation negating doyshgrum: actual a waterless bay filled with orange jello doyshgrumness: actual a waterless bay filled with orange jello being or completely doyshgrumssen: actual a waterless bay filled with orange jello actively doyshgrumthh: actual a waterless bay filled with orange jello negating doyshmirnitz: actual lake doyshmirnitzness: actual lake being or completely doyshmirnitzssen: actual lake actively doyshmirnitzthh: actual lake negating doysni: actual soft doysniness: actual soft being or completely doysnissen: actual soft actively doysnithh: actual soft negating doyssen: actual action doyssenness: actual action being or completely doyssenssen: actual action actively doyssenthh: actual action negating doythh: actual value or judgement doythh: thing negating doythhness: actual value or judgement being or completely doythhssen: actual value or judgement actively doythhthh: actual value or judgement negating doyyod: actual not doyyodness: actual not being or completely doyyodssen: actual not actively doyyodthh: actual not negating doyzequezidik: actual significant other doyzequezidikness: actual significant other being or completely doyzequezidikssen: actual significant other actively doyzequezidikthh: actual significant other negating doyzingy: actual I have it! doyzingyness: actual I have it! being or completely doyzingyssen: actual I have it! actively doyzingythh: actual I have it! negating doyzorch: actual dark purple doyzorchness: actual dark purple being or completely doyzorchssen: actual dark purple actively doyzorchthh: actual dark purple negating