Counterculture/Constitutionalist Party

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The Constitutionalist Party, also known as the Constitution Party is one of the two major political parties in the Confederate States of America. The Constitutionalist Party is currently the more conservative of the two major parties. The other is the Confederate Party

The party was organized in 1878 in opposition to the growing willingness in the both the Confederate and Democratic Parties to cooperate with the demands of the allies to eliminate (or at least limit) slavery. In 1879, it fielded a little known candidate, Alfred Columns for president, and came in well behind the two major parties, but made a significant showing. In the next election, in 1885, it ran Confederate Revolutionary War hero Jeb Stuart, and won, due to the increasing number of people who were unhappy with the influence of outside countries on the CSA.

Its 2005 political platform A Safer Nation expresses commitment to: "Encouraging National Economic Growth", "Reducing Crime"; "Protecting Confederate Neighborhoods and Schools", and "Defending our Country".


The Constitutionalist National Committee (CsNC) of the Confederate States is responsible for developing and promoting the Constitutionalist political platform, as well as for coordinating fundraising and election strategy. There are similar committees in every C.S. state and most C.S. counties (though in some states, party organization lower than state-level is arranged by legislative districts). It is the counterpart of the Confederate National Committee. The chairman of the CsNC, since January of 2005, is John Babcock.

The Constitutionalist Party also has fundraising and strategy committees for House races (Constitutionalist Congressional Committee), Senate races (Constitutionalist Senatorial Committee), and gubernatorial races (Constitutionalist Governors Association).


The Constitutionalist party arose to protect the CSA from what it saw as unreasonable foreign influences. It also has tried throughout its history to discourage racial integration and protect the christian values and white men's rights that are written into the Confederate Constitution.

Througout it's history, the Constitutionalist Party has been seen as the most conservative party in North America. In the early years, the Constitutionalist platform mostly involved protecting slavery and isolationist trade policies. Jeb Stuart's presidency stood for a model of these goals. In more recent years, the Constitutionalist Party has strongly opposed the expansion of the power of the American Union, especially the economic hardship caused by buying into the AU dollar.

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