Things to look at in Kyrgyz dialects

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Linguistic topics

What to look at

  • Rounding harmony systems
  • How far through a word harmony spreads
  • Monopthongisation — phonetic and phonological
  • Tonogenesis
  • Acoustic properties of vowel system
    • [reduction and diphthongisation of] high vowels (Russified in Bishkek, Kazakhified in Talas?)
    • low vowels as related to rounding harmony
  • The 9th vowel, phonemic?
  • Figure out the stress system
  • Sonority
    • /r.l/ → [r.d], [r.l]?
    • sonority of /n/ suffix-initially like glide?


  • Age
  • Urbanisation (city, village, steppe)
  • Multilingualism (esp. influence from Russian (Bishkek), Kazakh (Talas), Uzbek (Osh))
  • Tribe, apparently

Goals in Kyrgyzstan, round 1

  • Improve own Kyrgyz skills
  • Begin collecting lesser, non-experimental data
  • Prepare experiments
    • Consult with & work with local scholars
    • Design experiments
    • File for human subjects approval
  • Data collection plan
    • Decide on areas of most interest
    • Plan travel

Goals in Kyrgyzstan, round 2

  • Travel and collect data
    • At least two people in at least two villages in each of 47 regions

List of forms to elicit

Rounding harmony systems, How far through a word harmony spreads

Monopthongisation / diphthongisation


Acoustic properties of vowel system

The 9th vowel, phonemic?

Figure out the stress system

Final Wordlist