Research Projects

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This page is here to present the status (mainly for my own use) of all my research projects.

  • Turkic-Turkic contact in the Altay
  • Phonology of Kazakh coda clusters
  • Mongolian words in Kyrgyz
  • Kyrgyz [native & loanword] accent
  • Turkic initial-position sonorants
  • Proto-Turkic long vowels
  • PIE obstruent system
  • Kyrgyz obstruent system
  • Khalkha syllabification / stress
  • American English ᴁ
  • American English ə~ɨ
  • Kyrgyz tense[/aspect] system
  • Kyrgyz mood & epistematic modality
  • Turkic / CA -n vs. -gu
  • Kazakh (and Turkic) ə/ɑ
  • Turkic (Kazakh & Kyrgyz) relative clauses
  • Zulu click perception
  • Kazakh~Kyrgyz and Khalkha~Kalmyk ATR/RTR harmony