Errata in Language Files 10

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Chapter 2

  • p. 89
    • gap in velo-pharyngeal port for production of [t], making it look slightly nasalised
    • not numbered
  • p. 91
    • 14.b. [ʌ] not considered back by LF, so no "right answer"
  • p. 92
    • nʌθɪŋnɛs → nʌθɪŋnɪs
    • ðent → ði ænt

Chapter 3

  • p. 136, ex. 10
    • Avoid at all costs. Parts a. and b. are impossible given
      • (a.) students' understanding of rule writing (limited understanding) and syllabic structure (no understanding)
      • (b.) bad data (/kæptɻ̩/ should probably be /kæptjɻ̩/ and /vɪsiən/ would be better as /vɪsjən/); note that /kæptɻ̩/ is "capter", not "capture"
      • and the general issue that they're not ever just given underlying forms in other problems, so it can confuse them to no end

Chapter 4

  • p. 176, ex. 2
    • "what kind of affix is used": students don't realise this is asking for prefix or suffix
  • p. 177, ex. 4, g.
    • 'ducky' can have two meanings: duck-like, or duck (diminutive). The book obviously expects it to mean the latter, but when it means the former, it gets grouped with 'thrifty' and 'lucky' and students are confused.

Chapter 5

  • No adjective phrases!