Pii Rules

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Yes, we all know that Pii rules, but this document is about how the Pii roleplaying game is played. Before we start, let's make sure everybody knows what is meant with which word.

A CHARACTER is an actively moving Pinclan with a name and a past

A CLAN is a race of Pinclans clearly separate from other races. There are at least 50 of them, all having totem animals.

A CLANMASTER (CM) is a person who leads a clan and develops its culture and language.

PII may mean three things. Planet Pii The giant sapient fungus which covers the planet Name of the roleplaying game of the adventures of Pinclans A PINCLAN is an intelligent humanoid living on planet Pii.

A ROLEPLAYER (RP) is a person who controls one or more Pinclan characters

TOTEM defines the name of a clan - the clan whose totem is a wolf is known as the Wolf clan or the Wolves.


Pii allows total freedom of opinions, religion, and age. You just need some imagination and a will to share your ideas with others.


A large majority of the surface of planet Pii is covered by Pii,the intelligent fungus. In other words, she is a giant carpet who has an enormous effect on the biosphere. Her body is under the plants and animals, her spores hover in the air, and her roots may shake continents. Most species on Pii are symbiants of the fungus, including the Pinclans. To be accurate, this makes almost the whole Pii ecosystem a lichen. The symbiants need her help badly to grow, to breathe, and to move. In return, Pii uses the symbiants as her eyes, ears, and limbs. She is very well aware of nearly all the happenings of the planet. But, of course, she doesn't use the information like we would. She has her own mushroom-like way to think.

Pii-carpet makes moving on the planet bouncy. Pinclans and other moving creatures rather jump on her than walk. An elastic surface like that makes running and riding more sensible than driving wheeled vehicles. Pii hasn't fully conquered the mountains and the deserts yet, though. Pii is also warm, unlike the ground of Earth, so it is pleasant to sleep on her on cold nights.

Planet Pii has two moons. A month by the bigger moon is 32 days long. A month by the smaller moon is 81 days long. Using Earth units, each Pii day has 21 hours 36 minutes. Pii's year is 1296 days long, so, according to the bigger moon, there are 40,5 moon-based months, and according to the smaller moon, 16 months. Most of the clans follow the bigger moon for the base of their calendars.

The flora and fauna of Pii is versatile and not disturbed by Pinclans. That is because Pinclans really can't harm the nature without hurting Pii; if Pii gets hurt, she revenges horribly. So we can say Pinclans are hard-coded to be conservationists There are both species that seem familiar to Humans and species characteristic only to Pii.

The technology level on Pii totally depends on the clan area. Some clans have high-tech hospitals, some clans wander in the jungle and seek their safety from herbs. Some clans are illiterate, some clans educate all the children thoroughly. Some clans live in huge buildings with many flats, some clans sleep in mud huts. Clans are traditionally not eager to adopt customs from each others, though of course that happens occasionally. The adoption may be vary strange - an illiterate clan may equip itself with phones and televisions from other clans, but still may not want to build schools!

Pii can sense her symbiants' feelings. If many people or animals are feeling the same way in the same area, Pii will probably do what they wish. Like give them a mutation, for she is able to subtly manipulate their genes. She can also deliver symbiants' feelings to other symbiants, which makes telepathy possible. 99% of the Pinclans never train their ability, though, and are not able to change thoughts consciously. But it is not rare that when somebody is in big trouble and thinks about her/his dear ones, Pii sends them a message of the situation.


So far all the Pii RPs have been Humans. Thus it makes sense to compare Pinclans with Humans, to see our differences.

Pinclans generally have a familiar-looking head, a neck, two legs, two arms, lungs, genitals, and the same sort of internal organs that Humans have. But Pinclans still look different because they are shorter - adults tend to be 80-100 cm tall, except the giants who may be even 115 cm tall. Pinclans have a much better sense of balance than Humans and their arms are strong, which makes them able to climb almost like monkeys. They can swim as well as Humans. We can easily conclude that Pinclans' ancestors were some kind of swimming monkey or squirrel.

The biggest difference between humans and Pinclans is the way the Pinclans grow - by 'stretchings'. All Pinclans have 3 counted stretchings. The first happens nearly precisely a few days after the child has turned 2 years old. It mainly only changes the throat. Before it, a Pinclan child cannot talk. The second one comes at the age of 5 or 6. It stretches the child bigger and wider. The timing of your adult-making stretching strongly depends on your clan. Anyway, it comes before you turn 16 but doesn't start before you are 11 at least. Personal stress may downsize the stretching age. Members of the same clan, who have similar genes, generally have this stretching at the same age. In many clans, girls "grow up" a year before the boys. Some clans then have one more giant-making stretching at the age of 18-21.

During the stretchings, Pinclans must be near Pii (the fungus), who organizes everything. This table tells more about Pinclan physiology:

Age Happenings
(in Pii years)
0 Sleeping, suckling milk.

Little Pinclan babies are so passive that they're easy to nurse.

0,1 Child can eat more than just milk
0,4 Child becomes conscious and starts moving
0,5 Child learns to walk
0,7 Minor stretchings end, so the child will stay about this big till the age of 5 or 6.

Top of the child almost reaches the loins of an adult female.

1 Child understands speech quite well and moves perfectly
1,5 Child understands speech as well as a 4-year-old Human child
2 The first stretching makes it possible to speak
2,1 Child speaks perfectly
5-6 The second stretching; top of the child head reaches the shoulders of an adult
10-14 The capability of reproducing usually comes before the stretching
11-15 The third stretching makes the child an adult.
18-21 The giant stretching comes for some
32 Women's fertility reduces dramatically
35-50 Hair turns all white little by little
40 Some individuals, but not all, start feeling they are old and tired
45 Pinclan women loose their fertility completely
50 Natural death

Pinclan hair grows all the time and remarkably fast; if a Pinclan totally shaves her/his head, the hair will grow back to the shoulders in one month. Pinclan hair usually stops growing when it has reached an individual's heels. Otherwise, Pinclans have hair in the same places where Humans have it. Pinclan teeth are remarkably stronger than Human teeth. Most Pinclans never need a dentist.

The natural Pinclan diet includes vegetables and fish, not meat. They are able to eat meat if there's nothing else, but it tastes as good to them as grass tastes to Humans. Unlike Humans, Pinclans enjoy eating leaves and coniferes. They can stand hunger a bit better than Humans. Pinclans need to sleep for about 1/3 of their day or a little more, but they can stay awake for longer periods if needed.

There are also some intellectual and psychological differences. Pinclans have better linguistic skills. Even the eldest Pinclans are able to learn strange languages as fast as 4-year-old Humans. All Pinclans are musical, though some of them cannot sing. A feature not to forget is that Pinclans are less violent than Humans. They are not too interested in torturing or investing in gun technology. Some Humans see Pinclans as childish creatures, which is probably true. Most Pinclans would rather play than make war.

Pinclans identify themselves strongly by their clans. They don't marry from other clans unless the totems are related. They usually think their own clan is better than all the rest. This really slows cultural fusion!


Roleplaying adventures on Pii demand that somebody move the Pinclans. Who? This is the primality list: The RP who has created the character The CM of the clan the character belongs to Whoever has inspiration to move the character - in this case RP and CM may cancel the move The moves generally happen by storytelling. The player informs others of what the character is doing. This usually happens by email. Basically, the one who moves a Pinclan can make her/him to do anything which is possible on Pii and for Pinclans. If for some reason there are disputes, parties should follow that list above - the one in the highest position on the list has the last word. If really needed, the chief justice is the one who has written these rules.

Pii doesn't believe in gamemasters. Everybody is allowed to interfere other RPs' business! When you play, you may except them to do so to you too. This free form of playing makes it so that you can never perfectly trust your own plans. Somebody will surely throw something your way, to which you stumble. Especially, you can expect to face the dirty tricks of the CM of the area where your character currently is. Read the Clanmaster Duties chapter to see what they can do.

Also you can freely create happenings to gladden and disturb your co-players. Just go and mix things bravely! And if your co-players do something you don't like, don't be subdued but make them worried by creating even worse intrigues! Finally, don't show all your cards at once but keep some of your plans hidden, maybe blink them only to some selected RPs or CMs.

Play like this to have the most fun!

  1. Put your soul into your characters
  2. Don't let others write the plot but hunch your pen to it
  3. Enter the middle of the happenings
  4. Bravely make more characters if you don't have anybody nearby
  5. Travel, study, change workplace, spy, join companies
  6. Make friends, fall in love, pick up quarrels, have children
  7. Move the surrounding nature - animals and flora!
  8. Write RPG e-mail actively

To have an active interplay with the other players, you have to be where they are. That usually means your character travels a lot. For a hint; merchants, mucisians, politicians, priests, sailors, scientists, soldiers, teachers, and family members of the these professionals usually travel a lot. But many players also like to describe the private life of their characters, relations between her/his own characters. Reading RPG-messages like that is widely found interesting too.

The forbidden things are rare, acceding to Pinclan physiology and psyche. For example, eyeless violence is not a characteristic way to solve problems for any Pinclan. We don't need Rambos here. Nor do we need characters who totally forget all the clan rules just like that, or who raise the technology level of the planet up like a rocket during few months. On the other hand, do what you want, for other players and the environment will surely wipe you away if you are not nice. If your character is planning to harm the planet considerably, s/he most likely will soon be executed by Pii the fungus.

The life of a character doesn't have to end when s/he dies. Numerous Pinclans have seen ghosts, or so they say, not to forget the strong beliefs in reincarnation all over the planet. There have been characters who just refuse to die with their bodies. Should we blame Pii the fungus for keeping them alive?-)

The character creation form is very informal. An RP can leave details out of it, planning to expose them later. You can find the empty Pinclan Character Creation Form from the Planetpii group's website's files section (which is only available to members), http://groups.yahoo.com/group/planetpii/files/Character.txt. Some questions might seem to overlap, but players have found it practical. RPs tend to give more and deeper information of their characters when they have to think about the same kinds of questions in several ways. It isn't necessary to fill it in for every single person that appears in your mind. Not all will be worth it :) Besides, filling it in for one character may be enough work for several characters who have something to do with each other.

These are the filling instructions for the Pinclan Character Creation Form:

  1. Names
    • You must put at least one name in this cell - the one which your character currently uses. Also, other names--nicknames, family names, cultural names, pseudonyms--are very welcome.
  2. Clan - mention if this character has blood from several clans
    • Your character's clan is the most important information you need to give for her/him. It very likely defines the race and looks, the education, the birthplace, and the mother language of the character. It also determines which clanmaster you deal with. Generally a Pinclan child automatically belongs to the same clan as her/his mother does.
    • It is not normal for a child to have blood from several clans. Pinclans tend to have children strictly inside their own clan. Some clans, however, think they can marry among eachother because their totem animals are so closely related. These intermarrying clan groups are:
      • All Foxes - All Wolves - Dogs - Fennecs - Old Dogs
      • Armour Bugs - Dragonfly - Dragons
      • Donkeys - Horses
      • Vaana Frogs - Yakini Frogs
      • Bears - Ice Bears - Pandas
      • Bunnies - Rabbits - Brown Hares
      • Ducks - Hawks - Swans - Tucans [¿ "- Dragonfly - Dragons - Phoenixes" ?]
      • Jungle Crocodiles - Misri Crocodiles
      • All Leopards - Cougars - Lions - Oselots - Pumas - Tigers (-Cats*)
    • (* Cats don't agree with other four. They only accept marrying fair and blue-eyed Leopards if there aren't any full-blooded Cat candidates near-by. All the other feline clans think they can marry Cats, though.)
  3. Age and size - sizes are infant (it's possible to be one in the age of 0-2 years), toddler (2-7 years), tot [We need a word for a child accurately in this age! I have used 'tot' so far Except that that age is "child"! ] (5-15 years), adult (11-55 years), and giant (16-53 years)
    • These age groups above are to tell in which ages it is possible to belong to the size group mentioned. Look at the Pinclan Physiology chapter for more detailed instructions. If your character is young, you should ask your clanmaster the age at which the tots of this clan become adults.
  4. Sex
    • Pinclan sexes are female and male, just like on Earth.
  5. Physical appearance - length, physique, colour of eyes etc.
    • The best way to fill this out is to draw a picture, but long descriptions go very well too. The more information you give, the better.
  6. Family and other persons important to the character
    • Write down all people who make the character feel something. Don't just mention their names, but tell about the relations between the character and these persons. Tell also the happenings which have led to the current situation. Parents, siblings, companions from childhood, close friends, worst enemies, spouses, lovers - These all bring with them irreplaceable information about the character.
  7. Residence history
    • All places the character has lived, starting where s/he was born, ending at the place s/he now lives. If the character has travelled a lot, you can shorten this information down to the least important parts.
  8. Intelligence - mention the way it appears to others
    • There are many forms of intelligence: mathematical, musical, tactical, emotional, directional, spatial...
  9. Health and general condition
    • If the character is and has always been healthy, this cell may stay pretty empty. Write down all the diseases and injuries the character has suffered during her/his lifetime, even though s/he has totally recovered. It is also interesting to know where the problems came from and how they occurred.
  10. Professions and education
    • What does the character do and what has s/he done for a living? What kind of schools has s/he attended, or is s/he illiterate? Answerings to these questions tell a lot about her/his past.
  11. Languages
    • What languages is the character able to understand, and which is s/he able to speak fluently? Which of them can s/he read?Don't be too modest with this, but read the Pinclan Physiology chapter to find out how easily Pinclans learn languages.
  12. Skills - mention everything s/he is talented in
    • This is important. You'd better write down everything! If you don't mention for example that your character is a good actor, CMs and other RPs may catch her/him when s/he tries to act her/himself out of an agonizing situation... Even insignificant-sounding skills, like "an ability to find the right spices while cooking" must be written down.
  13. Weaknesses - what s/he cannot do well
    • Every character MUST have weaknesses. We won't stand perfect beings here! Even if you are creating a saint, you'll find dark sides if you use your imagination. Thinking in a game view, "inability to lie" can be a weakness, not a virtue.
  14. Characteristics - both positive and negative ones
    • This cell is to describe the way the character acts. It may be difficult to distinguish the positive characteristics from the negative ones, so don't pay too much attention to that. The note is there only to remind you that nobody's perfect.
  15. Life values and religion
    • In what and whom does your character believe? Is s/he religious? How do her/his believes take effect on her/his life?
  16. More information, like personal history (voluntary)
    • You can write anything in this cell.


A Clanmaster (CM) is the first person to answer all the questions of her/his clan. Briefly, a CM is continuously building the culture, history, religions, and languages of her/his clan. Being a living clan database expects a lot from life. In the beginning, of course, a CM can't know or remember everything. There is always more to develop and think about. Being a clanmaster is an endless task, but fortunately CMs have had fun experiencing it.

CMs usually get some base information of the clan they are adopting. Then they start developing it freely in the direction they want. Little by little, a CM should be able to write essays on these subjects:

    1. Typical constitution
    2. Adult length on average
      • (must be between 85 and 100 cm, clans with giant gene may reach even 115 cm)
    3. Possible colours* and shapes of hair
      • Do men keep a beard or a moustache?**
    4. Possible colours of skin*
    5. Possible colours of eyes*
    6. Typical features
    7. Mutations and other distinctions
    • (*) Doesn't necessarily have to be Human-like
    • (**) Pinclan hair grows many times faster than Human hair
    1. Normal dressing
    2. Festive dressing
    3. Jewelry
    4. Possible tattoos and piercings
    5. Lucky charms and other body decorations
    1. Charasteristics which are used when the clan members describe themselves
    2. Ideal woman and man
    3. Shameful characteristics according to the ethics of the clan
    4. Attitude towards the outside world
    5. Clans that are allies and friends
    6. Clans that are enemies
    1. Housing
    2. What's for meal-time
    3. Most common professions
    4. Age of marriage and how is the spouse found
    5. Life of the children
    6. Free-time hobbies
    1. Languages
    2. Form of government
    3. Religion
    4. Crimes

A clanmaster is not only a grey eminence. S/he is also the ultimate ruler of the areas her/his clan lives on, and s/he must know what is going on there all the time. Even if the CM never told other players, s/he still must know whether the clan members are generally happy and why - at the very moment s/he is asked. Sudden meteorogical observations, changes in employment and crime rates, fads, and celebrities all need to be familiar to the CM.

CMs are expected to create characters from their clan and lead them. This makes a CM an RP too, and it also makes it much easier to go deep into the clan. You don't necessarily have to fill in the character creation form for every single person that comes into your mind. The most important thing is that you know who they are. Find at least out how these clan members live:

  • An ordinary well-to-do family
  • An ordinary problematic family
  • One or more celebrities known all over the clan
  • An incumbent
  • Somebody who doesn't live in your country for some reason or another

Whenever a character led by an RP drops by to another CM's area, the CM must tell what happens to the character. A CM steers RPs right when they are creating characters from her/his clan. The almighty CM has the right to cancel what others have decided to happen in her/his area, though hopefully this right is seldom used. It is always better to accept the happenings and overrule them with new happenings, not with whining. A CM is a diplomat too. S/he takes care of the political relations with all the neighbouring, trading, and attacking clans there may be. S/he is allowed to make far-reaching plans for the future of the clan. A CM always has secret information in her/his pockets also. It is not wise to share everything immediately :)


This is the list of current clans and their CMs, with short description of their clans. More information at http://www.crosswinds.net/~deymualii/pii/maps/

Clans with CMs

  • ARMOUR BUGS - Small mineral-industry clan from the Parsi mountains. The few things other clans know about the Armour Bugs is that they are religious and known as talented spies. CM Zylom,US.
  • BEARS - Biggest clan in Soalba; educated, complicated social structures protect the Pinclan right of free time very well. Some bears have the giant gene and their country is called Brobdingnagia. CM Roger Skutt.
  • BOVINES - Seafaring merchant clan which lives on the Southern Sea in ships and floats and in the Float Islands. Bovines wear nose rings and have lots of fearsome gods. CM Jenni Hirvone, Finland.
  • CANNIBAL WOLVES - Other clans want to stay away from the continent of Tralli where these Pinclans live! Sometimes some Cannibals sail away from Tralli, working as sailors and pirates. CM Jenni Hirvonen, Finland.
  • CATS - Little pinclans who are known as talented and highly educated scientists who all have blue eyes. Cats have spread to all university cities and despise corporality and sexuality. CM Natalia Gruscha, Finland
  • CHAMELEONS - Colour-shifting islanders from the Southern Sea, living in forests. CM Ian McLure, US.
  • COUGARS - Oppressed clan from near the Western coast of Northern Merge. CM Jonathan North Washington, US.
  • CROCODILES OF FINGNGKRAGGI - These 'Jungle Crocodiles' live in the rainforests of Southern Merge and its eastern coast. Offer refuge to pirates. Love to switch different religions. CM Tristan McLeay, Australia.
  • DRAGONFLY - Building contractors and sailors from the Western coast of Northern Merge. They have a rich mythology and a unique mutation called 'air bones'. CM Shreyas Sampat, US.
  • DRAGONS - Very small plains-dwelling clan in the Northern Merge. Dragons, who are amazingly tall for pinclans who lack the giant gene, are known [by few] to be mildly aggressive but to act calmly in desprate situations. CM Jonathan North Washington, US.
  • FOXES - Largest clan there is, living in Northern Merge and in the Soalban city of Aleepalis. Remarkable sense of humour and their polysynthetic languages constitute the different Fox cultures. CM Exu Yangi, US.
  • HORSES - Nomads ruled by strong clergy from Piirhamiin, Central Soalba. The only real city, Nanbhii, is in the centre of the country. CM Megan.
  • LEOPARDS OF HARISVITRI - Farmers and merchants who can be seen anywhere on Pii. Closely related to the Leopards of Toreha. Other clans easily remember their Golden necropolis in their homeland in Soalba. CM Henna Sinisalo, Finland.
  • LEOPARDS OF TOREHA - Desert nomads and conquerors from Bwangalor. Polite leaders of the Pinclan mafia. CM Jenni Hirvonen, Finland.
  • MICE - The inhabitants of Lapessuri, Western Soalba, are stuck under the rigid rule of nobility and clergy. Mice are talented sailors and have strong relations with the Squirrels. CM Mark McGrath, US.
  • OCTOPODES - Unknown underwater clan, language is half visual. Octopodes are spread widely throughout Pii seas and are closely related to the Chameleons. CM Ian Mclure.
  • OTTERS - Originally nomads from Turjanmaa, Northern Soalba, most Otters now live in the cities of Lapessuri. CM Amelia McGuffreys.
  • PANDAS - Little peasant pinclans from Soyanthir, Eastern Soalban coast; also have a settlement in Merge, Mindwwan. Excellent sculptors and jewelers. Obsequies have a large role in their life. CM Henna Sinisalo, Finland.
  • PUMAS - Almost extinct agressive pirate clan from the Southern Sea. Aggressive people. CM Jenni Hirvonen, Finland.
  • RED or NOMAD WOLVES - Proud nomads travelling and selling handicraft in Middle Soalba. CM Jenni Hirvonen, Finland.
  • RHINOS - Menaced ["Menacing"?] clan from the eastern mountain and jungle areas of Kaina. Want to stay separated from others. CM Jani Alanko, Finland.
  • SHEEP - Peacefull craftsmen from Northern Islands. CM Henna Sinisalo, Finland.
  • SKUNKS - Lavender-skinned high tech clan living in the forests of Northern Merge. Other clans are afraid of them, because they are cruel and talented torturers. CM Shanya Spiritskunk.
  • SNOW LEOPARDS - Small philosopher clan which lives in the Armil mountains of Soalba. CM Panu Koponen, Finland.
  • SQUIRRELS - Big farmer and trader clan occupying Tithlan or the East coast of Southern Merge. Men and women try to live their lives as separately they can. Complicated calendars lead the Squirrel life. CM Natalia Gruscha, Finland.
  • TIGERS - Jungle farmers from Hariyawa, Southern Soalba. Try to have as many descendants as possible, proud of their illiteracy. CM Natalia Gruscha, Finland.
  • TIMBER WOLVES - Semi well-educated clan that enjoys community free time and a simple life, strangely stuck in the mountains of Tûsyetayn, Northern Merge. CM Jonathan North Washington, US.
  • TREES - The only known plant clan has a telepathic relationship with trees. Due to this information, other clans are somewhat afraid of the Tree clan, which lives on a large island near Western North Merge. CM Mike Adams, US.
  • TUCANS - Tropical clan from Chika island off the coast of Southern Bwangalor. Known for their beautiful languge which is easy to learn. CM Clayton Cardoso, Brazil.

Clans Awaiting CMs

This is the list of free clans looking forward eagerly to having clanmasters. If you'd like to be one, please contact the undersigned and tell her!

  • ANTELOPES - Big fair high tech clan living in Obrenaia, Northern Merge. Specialized into medicine. Antelope children are raised collectively.
  • APES - Large, mainly superstitious clan from the jungles and cities of Bwangalor. Very fertile, women love to wear extraordinary hats, otherwise people rather paint themselves than wear clothes.
  • BATS - Bats live in the jungles of Southern Merge.
  • BEAVERS - Totally non-violent and badly persecuted clan living in Fennec areas. Beavers try to spread their non-violent religion everywhere but are near extinction.
  • BLUE RIDERS - Blue-skinned slavers from icy Eemeria, riding big pink flying lizards. They often fly to Soalba and kidnap people to be their slaves.
  • BROWN HARES - Farmers and cannibals from Bwangalor jungles, nowadays more peaceful. In alliance with the Bunnies.
  • BUNNIES - Peaceful sailor and explorer clan, whose language Rojali is spoken all around Pii. Make popular pop music. Bunny skin is too fair and burns more than easily under the sun, thanks to a mutation with unpleasant repurcussions.
  • CRABS - Coastal clan from southwestern Bwangalor.
  • CROCODILES OF MISRI - Ancient culture based around the river Nefri, on North-East Bwangalor. Magnificant sepulchres are also holiday flats. Worship the Cats, practice slavery.
  • DONKEYS - Donkeys live a simple life on the Mountains of Dizziness. They are ruled by nuns and monks and they are very hospitable.
  • DUCKS - Farmers of Kaina, ruled by the Almighty Emperor. The dowry a man must pay to the parents of the bride is so huge husbands are much older than the wives. Male children are seen as a burden.
  • ELEPHANTS - Cheerful and very musical farmers and sailors from Ronsula, Eastern Bwangalor.
  • FENNECS - Fennec women are never seen, because men keep them locked inside their houses. Men have vulture-like posture and they try to be twisters and shrewd slavers.
  • FROGS OF VAANA - Peaceful fishers living on the banks of river Vaana, Soalba.
  • FROGS OF YAKINI - Peaceful fishers and farmers living on the Yakini Islands in the sea between Soalba and Western Merge, famous architects and musicians.
  • GIRAFFES - Giraffes live somewhere on Bwangalor.
  • HEDGEHOGS - Glad religious preachers who have spread from South-West Bwangalor to many corners of Pii.
  • HIPPOS - Well educated people from Timfuktu, Western Bwangalor. Hippos were the first Pinclans who invented writing. Their country is the most popular tourist attraction on Pii.
  • HYENAS - Nomads wandering in Harisvitri, Hariyawa and Southern Kaina. Hyenas never wash themselves which makes other clans dread them.
  • LIONS - farmers and dancers from Middle Bwangalor provided with the giant gene.
  • OSELOTS - Dark-skinned clan from the jungles of Southern Merge.
  • OWLS - Owls live on the Northern Islands to the west of Soalba.
  • RABBITS - Strange clan travelling around Pii doing odd deeds. All Rabbits are capable of using telepathic communication with each other.
  • SEALS - Survivers from northeastern Merge.
  • SWINES & DOGS - The most citied civilization on Pii lives in Ichra and Möln, two big countries in Soalba. This conquest-lusty society has a huge army.
  • TURTLES - Unknown clan living somewhere on the Southern Sea, having developed a civilization and tall buildings.
  • ZEBRAS - slavers of Bwangalor

If you would like to be a clanmaster, but none of these clans feels like your clan, you can create your own. What you need is to choose the totem animal and the climate and environment they live in. Then contact the person who wrote this and she will help place this new clan.