Cyrillic transcription of English

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JNW's vowel system, in Cyrillic
Front Back
peripheral base base peripheral
High и ии ы ыу/ыү
иҕ иу ои оҕ
Mid эи э ӑ ҕ
ӑу ӑи
Low эӑ ә а ɔ
эӑҕ әу аи ɔҕ


Examples of JNWE vowels
Vowel Words Transcriptions RP AusE
и hid, kit, hill, hear, rabbit, abbot ҳид, кит, ҳил, ҳир, ҕ̆ә́бит, ә́бит
ии bead, heed, machine, fleece биид, ҳиид, мӑши́ин, флиис
иу few, queue/cue, fuel, cure фиу, киу, фиул, киуҕ̆
э bed, head, said, dress бэд, ҳэд, сэд, дҕ̆эс
эи bait, hate, face бэит, ҳэит, фэис
ӑу bone, goat, goal бӑун, гӑут, гӑул
ә trap, bad, bath тҕ̆әп, бәд, бәҫ
әи sang, sag сәиң, сәиг
эӑ tan, Pam, can't, square, pale/pail, marry, merry, Mary тэӑн, пэӑм, кэӑнт, скўэӑҕ̆, пэӑл, мэ́ӑҕ̆ии, мэ́ӑҕ̆ии, мэ́ӑҕ̆ии
әу mouth, town мәуҫ, тәун
а lot, palm, doll лат, пам, дал
ɔ cloth, start, bald, thought клɔҫ, стɔҕт, бɔлд, ҫɔт
аи pride пҕ̆аид
ӑи light, price лӑит, пҕ̆ӑис
ӑ strut, cult, bottom, system стҕ̆ӑт, кӑлт, ба́рӑм
ҕ nurse, fir, her, hurry нҕс, фҕ, ҳҕ, ҳҕ́ии
ои boy, choice бои, чоис
оҕ north, four, force, pore, pour, poor ноҕҫ, фоҕ, фоҕс, поҕ, поҕ, поҕ
ы foot, look фыт, лык
ыу / ыү goose, fool, tune гыүс, тыүн, фыул


JNW's consonant system, in Cyrillic
labial interdental alveolar post-alveolar velar glottal
stops п б т д ч җ к г ъ
fricatives ф в ҫ ҙ с з ш ж ҳ
nasals м н ң
lateral л
flap р
glides ў ҕ̆ й