Side-by-side comparison of Kazakh and Kyrgyz morphology

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This is meant as a quick and dirty side-by-side comparison of Kazakh and Kyrgyz morphology, intended for speakers or learners of one language who want to learn about the other. More resources for such people can be found on the Differences between Kazakh and Kyrgyz page.

Person Agreement



Personal pronouns
Kyrgyz English
Мен I
Сен You (singular informal)
Сиз You (singular formal)
Ал He/She/It
Биз We
Силер You (plural informal)
Сиздер You (plural formal)
Алар They


Personal pronouns
Kyrgyz English
Мен I
Сен You (singular informal)
Сіз You (singular formal)
Ол He/She/It
Біз We
Сендер You (plural informal)
Сіздер You (plural formal)
Олар They

Other than the differences in form, there're a few differences in useage of the pronouns. These mainly include the following:

  • In Kazakh, when addressing a single person you'd address with сен, but including in the address people you'd address as сіз, the default is to use сіздер. In Kyrgyz, the default is to use силер.
  • In Kazakh, біздер is often used in addition to біз. (My theory is that біздер is an inclusive pronoun while біз is exclusive, but this needs to be investigated.)
  • In Kyrgyz, силер may be used to address a single person informally, but to still convey a sense of respect. This is used especially by younger people to address older people within families and in social settings.

Case forms


Declension of pronouns
Singular Plural
1st 2nd inf 2nd frm 3rd 1sg 2nd inf 2nd frm 3rd
Nom мен сен сиз ал/ол биз силер сиздер алар/олор
Acc мени сени сизди аны/ону бизди силерди сиздерди аларды/олорду
Gen менин сенин сиздин анын/онун биздин силердин сиздердин алардын/олордун
Dat мага сага/cаңа сизге ага/аңа/ого/оңо бизге силерге сиздерге аларга/олорго
Loc менде сенде сизде анда/ондо бизде силерде сиздерде аларда/олордо
Abl менден сенден сизден андан/~анан/ондон бизден силерден сиздерден алардан/олордон




Morphemes indicating person
pronouns copulas present tense possessive endings past/conditional imperative
1st sg мен -mIn -Ăm(In) -(I)m -(I)m -(A)yIN
2nd sg сен -sIŋ -ĂsIŋ -(I)ŋ -(I)ŋ —, -GIn
2nd formal sg сиз -sIz -ĂsIz -(I)ŋIz -(I)ŋIz -GIlA
3rd sg ал/ол -Ăt -(s)I(n) -sIn
1st pl биз -BIz -ĂßIz -(I)BIz -(I)K -(A)lI(K) -(A)ylI(K)
2nd pl силер -sIŋAr -ĂsIŋAr -(I)ŋAr -(I)ŋAr -GIlA
2nd formal pl сиздер -sIzdAr -ĂsIzdAr -(I)ŋIzdAr -(I)nIzdAr -GIlA
3rd pl алар/олор -(I)şAt -(s)I(n) -(I)ş- -sIn, -IşsIn
