My Adventures with COSI TAs
Wrong Book on Reserve
The first written assignment in the class was given to us as a couple problems and a list of problems that were supposedly to be found in the textbook. The textbook was on reserve in the science library, and I'd ordered mine online and it hadn't arrived yet, so I went to the library and xeroxed a couple pages of their copy. When my textbook arrived a week later--after I had turned in the problem set--I noticed a few difference between it and the one on reserve in the library, yet they were supposedly the same edition of the same book, with the same ISBN number(!!). I also noticed that one of the problems that I'd done was differently numbered in the two editions. This bothered me. I posted to the newsgroup about this to inform the TAs and prof of the problem (mentioning that I was concerned that I may have done the wrong problem), and a TA responded that the correct textbook was in the library, that it was our responsibilty to have the correct textbook, and that we could check with other classmates who had the correct textbook to make sure we did as well. When I got my assignment back yet another week or two later, graded, I'd lost all the possible points on one problem (the one that was misnumbered), with a comment from the TA/grader saying I'd done the wrong problem. When I brought up the issue with the textbook in light of my grade and this comment, they said that I should redo the problem and submit it to them within 24 hours. I did this. Then they said that I was supposed to've just resubmitted the assignment, and they'd've graded the problem that I did as if it'd been the right one. I did this, and it worked out fine.