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These pancakes can be made easily in Kyrgyzstan. Instead of baking powder (which I haven't found here), they use kefir and ayran to leaven baking soda (all of which is easy to find). This means the mixture goes flat a little more quickly, so frying right away is necessary. This recipe is adapted from's buttermilk pancake recipe.

Yields about 16 small-medium pancakes. To double (etc) recipe, start over a second time—the baking soda and kefir mix quickly and by the end of frying the batter are already starting to go flat. If you have a large frying pan or skillet and can make a lot of pancakes at once, doubling the recipe might be okay.


  • 1 cup (140g) flour
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp (28g) sugar
  • 1 large egg lightly beaten
  • 1½ cup (240ml) kefir or ayran
  • 3tbsp (40g) butter or margarine


  1. Melt butter carefully.
  2. Mix kefir and egg into melted butter
  3. Mix into a bowl flour, baking soda, salt, and sugar
  4. Pour liquid mixture into dry mixture bowl
  5. Mix until some small lumps remain—don't overmix!
  6. Put a frying pan on medium heat, add butter
  7. Pour a spoonful or two of batter onto pan, fry for a couple minutes until bottom brown and bubbles appear on top; flip and cook about half that time until bottom light brown.