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Sound Changes from Tēlvo
- word-initial glide insertion, metathesis
- CαVβ → VβCα / #C __
- 0 → j / # __ V
- preliminary glide changes
- v → w
- l → w / __]σ
- primary glide changes
- G → [αback] / __ Vα
- G → [αround] / __ Vα
- or, more complexly:
- w → ɥ / __ V[-back]
- j → ɰ / __ V[+back]
- w → ɰ / __ V[-round]
- ɥ → j / __ V[-round]
- ɰ → w / __ V[+round]
- j → ɥ / __ V[+round]
- final glide changes
- if w at the end of a syllable, ɰ:
- w → ɰ / V __]σ
- if w at the end of a syllable, ɰ:
- vowel harmony
- reɡressive vowel rounding harmony:
- V → [αround] / __ C1 Vα
- proɡressive vowel place harmony:
- V → [αplace] / Vα C1 __
- reɡressive vowel rounding harmony:
- long vowel changes:
- ɐː → a, ɒː → ɔ
- oː → u, ɤː → ɯ
- eː → i, œː → y
- iː → aj, yː → øj
- æː → æ
- ɑː → a
- yj → øj
- midround vowel merger:
- œ, ø → ø
- o, ɔ → o
- fricativisation
- {t,d,k,g} → {θ,ð,ç,ʝ} / __ V[+front]
- lj → ɮ
- l → ɮ / __ V[+front]
- ɮ → ɬ / (C[-voice]) __ (C[-voice])
- palatal stuff
- {tj,dj,sj,zj,nj} → {tç,dʝ,ç,ʝ,ʝ}
- {ɬ,ɮ} → {ç,ʝ}
- {ç,ʝ} → {ʃ,ʒ} / __ a
- ʝ → j
- glides at beginning of words
- {j,ɥ,ɰ,w} → {ç,pç,h,p} / # __
- glides at ends of syllables:
- think I'm going to leave this alone, actually
- hm.. instead:
- glide simplification; sonority hierarchy stuff:
- ɰw → wɰ / [+round] __ [+round]
- ɰ → ʁ / [+round] __ [+round]
- ɰ → ʁ / [-back] __ #
- (ɰ → Vα / Vα[+high,+back] C )
- tēlvo → tēlwo → tēwwo → tēɰwo → tœ̄ɰwo → tœ̄ɰwœ → tyɰwœ → θyɰwœ → θywɰœ → θywʁœ (Θywǵø)
Orthographic representation
- Only the following is non-IPA:
- ś for /ç/
- š for /ʃ/
- ǰ for /ʒ/
- ó for /u/
- u for /y/
- ú for /øj/
- í for /ɯ/
- ý for /ɥ/
- ẃ for /ɰ/
- ǵ for /ʁ/
- Θθ for majiscule and miniscule /θ/
- Θywǵø is OVS
- almost entirely isolating
- adjectives follow nouns
- adverbs precede verbs
- aspect, then tense markers follow verb (precede subject)