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* yıl- - ''warm''
* yıl- - ''warm''
** '''Proto-IE''' ''ḱel-'' - warm/cool
** '''Proto-IE''' ''*ḱel-'' - warm/cool
** '''Proto-IE''' ''*gel-'' - cold
* qarğa - ''crow''
* qarğa - ''crow''

Revision as of 16:03, 8 September 2008

The orthography used to represent Turkic languages on this page is a phonemic system based on Turkish orthography.
This is done to avoid focusing on the phonetic differences between different languages used.
The IPA is used when describing the phonetics of Turkic languages.

This is a collection of Turkic words which appear at least superficially similar to words in other language groups.


  • altın - gold
    • Finnish kulta gold
    • Germanic gold
  • bulat - steel, balta - axe
    • Tokharian porat, peret axe
    • Proto-IE pelk'- chop
  • ara - saw
    • Tokharian áre plough (n.)
  • *yurt(ă?) - ring left when yurt is moved (homeland, yurt)
    • PIE ġʰ—r(+dʰ) to grasp, enclose; with derivatives meaning “enclosure.”
      • Germanic gard
        • English yard
        • German garten
      • Tokharian warto, wärto garden, grove
    • PIE er(+t) earth
      • Germanic erθ
        • English earth
        • German erd
      • Tokharian B yare gravel
    • Semitic ˀarḍ earth
    • Mongolian ger yurt
    • Proto-IE *wer- defend, close
  • *yan(+dir) - to burn v.i. (v.t.)
    • Proto-Na-Dené *q’aˑn burn, ignite
    • Ket -qan cook, burn, boil


  • alma - apple
    • Germanic *æpl
    • Russian jablo-
    • Latin/Romance pom-
    • Greek melo-
    • Proto-IE HebOl-
  • kün - day, sun
    • Germanic sun
  • yil - year
    • English year
    • Proto-IE yōr-
  • yaz (*yaaŕ) - spring
    • Proto-IE yōr- year
  • ań - moon, month
    • (Proto-Altaic *ā́ńu, most Turkic ay)
    • Latin annus - year
    • Gothic *aþni - year
  • yer - earth, land
    • PIE ġʰ—r(+dʰ) to grasp, enclose; with derivatives meaning “enclosure.”
      • Germanic gard
        • English yard
        • German garten
      • Tokharian warto, wärto garden, grove
    • PIE er(+t) earth
      • Germanic erθ
        • English earth
        • German erd
      • Tokharian B yare gravel
    • Semitic ˀarḍ earth
    • Mongolian ger yurt
    • Proto-IE *wer- defend, close
  • ot - grass
    • Tokharian āti grass
    • Proto-IE ad- grain
  • sub - water
    • Proto-IE seu-, su- rain, flow
    • Proto-IE *sūwe- to rain
      • Tokharian su- / swāsā-
      • Greek hǖei̯
      • Albanian ši
    • Mongolian us
    • Mandarin shui3
    • Cantonese seoi2
  • yapraq - leaf
    • Arabic varaq leaf?, page?
    • Persian barg leaf?
    • Tokharian pält, pilta
    • Proto-IE bʰel
  • bulaq - spring, well
    • Latin flus- river
    • Proto-IE bhleu-gʷ- overflow
    • English flow, float
  • teke - goat
    • Proto-IE tek- to flow, to run
  • lağ - meadow
    • Balto-Slavic *plãka (?) pl:łąka, ru:lug
  • ögiz - bull
    • Germanic - en: ox
  • *bāl - honey
    • Proto-IE - mel
  • balɯq - fish
    • Proto-IE l—k salmon
    • Proto-IE *pesk fish
    • Germanic *bullaka-z a kind of fish - de: Bolch, nl: bolk
  • *pāt - horse
    • Proto-IE *mend(i)- horse
  • *qāz - goose
    • Proto-IE *ǵʰáns- goose
  • *tal - willow
    • Ket dɯˑl - willow
    • Proto-Athabaskan *č’ʷətɬ’ - plant, shrub
  • *köl - lake
    • Proto-Yeniseian kʰul - water
  • çaŋğır - sled
    • Proto-Yeniseian *tsehʷəl - snowsled
  • yıl- - warm
    • Proto-IE *ḱel- - warm/cool
    • Proto-IE *gel- - cold
  • qarğa - crow
    • Proto-IE *ḱórw-eh₂- - crow


  • qal - stay
    • Germanic halt, hold
  • ber - give
    • Proto-IE bher - carry, bear
    • Russian брать - take
  • piş-ir - cook
    • Proto-IE pekʷ-
    • Russian печь
    • Tokharian päk-
  • tur - stand
    • Germanic en: dare, yi: tor
  • je - eat
    • Proto-IE ed- - eat
  • çab- - cut
    • English chop
    • Spanish zapatas - shoes
    • French sabotage
  • ekʷ- - drink
    • Proto-IE *ekʷ- - drink
    • Turkic - drink
    • Tokharian yok
  • gäp-ir - something said, speak
    • English jabber, gab
    • Russian говорить - speak
    • Proto-IE gebh- - jaw, mouth
  • öl - die
    • Tokharian wäl
  • teg - touch
    • English touch
    • Tokharian tek
  • se(b/p?)- - to plant
    • Proto-IE sē- sow
  • öö(j?)- - to think, understand
    • Proto-IE ous ear
  • saqı- - to think
    • Proto-IE sekʷ- - to see
  • yaq- - to light, make burn
    • Proto-IE dʰégʷʰ - to burn (v.t.?)

Body parts

  • Pre-PrTk. *padaq - foot
    • Proto-IE *ped, pod (*p—d) - foot
    • Proto-IE *bʰad (*bʰ—ħd) - boot
  • PrTk. *but - foot
    • Proto-IE *ped, pod (*p—d) - foot
    • Proto-IE *bʰad (*bʰ—ħd) - boot
  • el - hand
    • English ell, elbow
    • Proto-IE el- elbow, forearm
  • qol - hand, arm
    • Germanic hand, hold
  • caq / cağ - jaw
    • English jaw
    • Proto-IE gebh- - jaw, mouth (?)
  • qulaq - ear
    • Tokharian B klautso
  • meŋä / miy - brain
    • Russian мозг brain
    • Hebrew MWX brain
      • Yiddish moyex brain
    • Sogdian m'g
  • murt - mustache
    • Proto-IE *bʰardʰ- beard
  • bel - waist
    • Latin balteus belt (of Etruscan origin?)
  • *bod - body (Kg boy - height, length)
    • English - body
  • yaş - tear (from eye)
    • Proto-IE *dáḱru- - tear
  • yür-ök - heart
    • Proto-IE *ḱḗr - heart
  • *qar-ın - belly
    • Proto-IE *ǵʰer- - bowels


  • bīr - one
    • English first, fore
    • Romance prim-
    • Proto-IE prHuo-, pro-wo-, perǝ, pro first, fore, ahead
    • Tokharian parwe
  • ek(k)i - two
    • English second
    • Proto-IE sekʷ follow
    • Finnish kaksi (?)
  • tȫrt - four
    • Tokharian çtwar, çtwer
    • Proto-IE kwetwores
  • bēş - five
    • Proto-IE penkwe
    • Tokharian pañä, piç, piś
  • jet(t)i - seven
    • Tokharian s.pät, sukt
    • Proto-IE septom
  • sek(k)iz - eight
    • Tokharian okat, okt
    • Proto-IE októ
  • yigirmä - twenty
    • Tokharian wiki, ikäṃ (PTn *w'īkän)
  • tümän - ten thousand
    • Tokharian tmām; tumane, tmāne; tumám


  • qağan - ruler, khan
    • Hebrew kohen
  • qı̄z - girl, daughter
    • English kid, kith
  • er - male, man
    • Proto-IE *er - bull, male
  • aqa/äke - father
    • Tokharian pácar, pacer
  • ayal - woman, wife
    • Tokharian ckácar, tkácer daughter


  • qāń - (qaysı - which, qayda - where, qana - where (to), (kim - who,) etc)
    • Proto-IE kʷo
  • orta - middle, centre
    • Tokharian orto - up
  • oqşa- - like, similar
    • Tokharian oki - like
  • oq - emphatic particle
    • Tokarian ats - exactly
  • -mA - verbal negative morpheme
    • Tokharian - not
    • Greek má, mé - not
    • Sanskrit - don't
    • Mandarin mei2, bu1 - NEG
    • Cantonese mo5, ng4 - NEG
  • beri - before, since
    • IE
      • Russian p(e)red - before, in front of
      • English fore
      • Latin pre-


  • yaxşı - good
    • Proto-IE meH-, wEsu- (?)
  • aul - village (field?) (awla - yard)
    • English hall
  • aq - "white"
    • Proto-IE arg'- - white, shine
    • Tokharian árki , árkwi- white
  • qut - fortune
    • Germanic en: good
  • ant+ar - turn over
    • Proto-IE ant front
    • Tokharian ánt through, across, ánt, ánte forehead
    • Germanic anðar other
  • tın+ıç - peace
    • Tokharian tunk love
  • süːt - milk
    • Proto-IE *sweh₂d-u- sweet
    • Proto-IE *ksweid- milk
  • ülkän - big
    • Tokharian walke long
  • beg, büyük, biyik (?)
    • IE *mag- large, many
      • Tokharian makí much
  • töbe - hill, peak, crest
    • English top
  • māl - time, moment
    • Germanic *mēl time of meal
      • en: meal
      • yi: mol time
      • de: Mahl, Mal
  • man - great
    • Latin magna
  • ters - reverse, backwards
    • Proto-IE *ter- - cross over
    • Proto-IE *ter / *tero - over/through
  • *yal-aŋ - naked (yal-ŋuz - lone)
    • Proto-IE *gal- - naked

Incorporate or not?

  • Tokharian sále, sályi - salt (IE *sal- - grey, dirty; salt)
    • Turkic tuz - salt
  • Tokharian salu, sol - whole (IE *salw- - whole, healthy)
    • Turkic tol- - full/fill
  • Tokharian särk, sark - an illness
    • Turkic ogr- - to hurt
  • IE *sú- - to be born
    • Turkic tuğ- - to be born
  • Tokharian káryap - harm
    • Turkic qab(a)- - to harm
  • IE weid- - to know
    • Turkic bil- (possible, due to sonority stuff)
  • IE (En will, Lt vol-, etc)
    • Turkic bil-
  • Germanic *sūmian- - to miss
    • Turkic *seb- - to love
  • IE *su̯ei- - to make a noise
    • Turkic *seb-le - to speak
  • IE *h₂eiǵ- - goat
    • Turkic eçki - goat
  • IE *pel- - grey
    • Turkic boz - ~grey
  • IE *tark- - to twist
    • Turkic tart- - to pull
  • IE *ǵʰés-ro- - hand
    • Turkic qol - hand
  • IE *kaput- - head
    • Turkic baş - head
  • IE *knid- - louse
    • Turkic kene - louse

Cognates with Russian

  • murç / burç - pepper
    • pérec - pepper
  • muz / buz - ice
    • moróz - frost (Slavic ?*morz-)
  • yarıq, yaruğ, yarqın - light, bright
    • yarkij - bright
  • qara
    • čer- (?*ker-)
  • beri - before, since
    • pered - before, in front of
  • boran - storm
    • burʲa - storm
  • seb+kil (?) - freckle(s)
    • sypʲ - rash
  • sep- - scatter/sow
    • ras-syp- scatter
  • sıdır- - to peel, strip, tear off
    • sdir-atʲ - "


  • Tokharian (B?) /ä/ was probably [ɨ]
  • When two Tokharian words given, first is Tokharian A, second is Tokharian B
  • Tokharian /ç/ is probably [ɕ]
  • Tokharian /ts/ and /c/ are different?
