Kyrgyz phrasal verbs

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V + V

There are many cases in Kyrgyz where two (or more) verbs occur in a sequence. Usually this is in combinations where there's a sequence of events (each one represented by a verb) or additional aspectual or mood information being added to an event (where a second verb is an auxiliary conveying that aspectual/mood information).

V + V as a single verb

There are, however, a few V + V combinations which can be interpreted (and certainly translated) as if they are behaving as a single verb.

  • алып кел- < ал- ‘take’ + кел- ‘come’ = "bring"
  • алып бар- < ал- ‘take’ + бар- ‘go (+dest)’ = "take / bring (over)"
  • алып кет- < ал- ‘take’ + кет- ‘leave’ = "take away"
  • алып жүр- < ал- ‘take’ + жүр- ‘go’ = "carry (in some contexts)"

Some of these have abbreviated forms in speech:¹

  • апкел- = алып кел-
  • апар- = алып бар-

¹ In Kazakh, the forms әкел-, апар-, and әкет- are the standard written forms of these words, and only in very high registers are they written as two separate verbs.

There are some other verbs

  • басып чыгар- < бас- ‘press’ + чыгар- ‘make come out’ = "print (out)"

V1 + V2 with V2's valency

In most instances of V1 + V2 (+ V3, etc.), the main verb is V1 and the valency of the compound verb is that of V1. However, in some [rather rare] scenarios, V2 is treated as the main verb and the valency of the compound verb is that of V2.

  • Сени барып алып келем
  • Тамакты жыргап жеп жатат

FIXME: example

N + V

N with possessive morphology

N is 3rd person subject

Most of these are conjugated in 3rd person; English subject often corresponds to possessor of noun, overt with genitive case.

  • ич+[pos] айлан- < ич ‘inside’ + айлан- ‘spin (v.i.)’ = "have an upset stomach"
  • баш+[pos] айлан- < баш ‘head’ + айлан- ‘spin (v.i.)’ = "be/get dizzy / confused"
  • жүрөк+[pos] айлан- < жүрөк ‘heart’ + айлан- ‘spin (v.i.)’ = "be/get nauseous / grossed out"
  • көңүл+[pos] түш- < көңүл ‘feelings’ + түш- ‘fall’ = "be/get down"
  • көңүл+[pos] көтөрүл- < көңүл ‘feelings’ + көтөрүл- ‘be lifted’ = "cheer up"
  • көңүл+[pos] сууп кал- < көңүл ‘feelings’ + суу- ‘get cold’ + кал- ‘[perfect aspect]’ = "stop liking [a person]" (+ABL)
  • кол+[pos] тий- < кол ‘hand’ + тий- ‘touch’ = "have free time"
  • пайда+[pos] тий- < пайда ‘use’ + тий- ‘touch’ = "be useful" (+GEN - for the thing that is useful; verb is always 3rd person)
  • суук тий- < суук ‘cold’ + тий- ‘touch’ = "catch a cold" (+DAT - for the one who got the cold; verb is always 3rd person)

N is definite object

seem to be either causatives of above or just compositional?

  • баш+[pos]+[acc] айлант- < баш ‘head’ + айлант- ‘spin (v.t.)’ = "make dizzy / confuse"
  • жүрөк+[pos]+[acc] айлант- < жүрөк ‘heart’ + айлант- ‘spin (v.t.)’ = "make nauseous / gross out"
  • көңүл+[pos]+[acc] түшүр- < көңүл ‘feelings’ + түшүр- ‘make fall’ = "get [someone] down"
  • көңүл+[pos]+[acc] көтөр- < көңүл ‘feelings’ + көтөр- ‘lift’ = "cheer [someone] up"
  • сакал+[pos]+[acc] ал- < сакал ‘beard’ + ал- ‘take’ = "shave [one's] beard" (see also сакал ал-)
  • уруксат+[pos]+[acc] бер- < уруксат ‘permission’ + бер- ‘give’ = "give [one's] permission" (see also уруксат бер-)
  • боор+[pos]+[acc] эз- < боор ‘liver’ + эз- ‘mash’ = "crack [someone] up"

N is in other cases

  • моюн+[pos]+[dat] ал- < моюн ‘neck’ + ал- ‘take’ = "accept/recognise/admit" (+ACC)

N without possessive morphology

"N" is limited in use to compound

  • кабыл ал- < кабыл ‘???’ + ал- ‘take’ = "accept" (+ACC)
  • жөнгө сал- < жөн ‘~straight?’ + сал- ‘set / put in’ = "repair" (+ACC)
  • звант эт- < звант ‘’ + эт- ‘do’ = "call" (+DAT)
  • жек көр- < жек ‘’ + көр- ‘see’ = "hate" (+ACC)

"N" is ideophone

  • тарс эт- < тарс ‘bang’ + эт- ‘do’ = "go bang"
  • чалп эт- < чалп ‘splash’ + эт- ‘do’ = "go splash"
  • etc.

N is indefinite object

  • кол кой- < кол ‘hand’ + кой- ‘put’ = "sign" (+DAT)
  • кол сал- < кол ‘hand’ + сал- ‘set / put in’ = "attack" (+DAT)
  • сакал ал- < сакал ‘beard’ + ал- ‘take’ = "shave" (see also сакал+[pos]+[acc] ал-)
  • баш тарт- < баш ‘head’ + тарт- ‘pull’ = "withdraw (from)" (+ABL)
  • тамак ич- < тамак ‘food’ + ич- ‘drink’ = "eat / dine"
  • баш ий- < баш ‘head’ + ий- ‘bend’ = "comply with / obey" (+DAT)
  • баш кош- < баш ‘head’ + кош- ‘add’ = "become spouses"
  • баш кой- < баш ‘head’ + кой- ‘put’ = "commit oneself (to something)" (+DAT)
  • таасир эт- < таасир ‘influence’ + эт- ‘do’ = "affect" (+DAT)
  • телефон чал- < телефон ‘telephone’ + чал- ‘~strike against’ = "call" (+DAT)
  • буюртма бер- < буюртма ‘order’ + бер- ‘give’ = "place an order"
  • уруксат бер- < уруксат ‘permission’ + бер- ‘give’ = "give permission" (see also уруксат+[pos]+[acc] бер-)
  • сөз кыл- < сөз ‘word’ + кыл- ‘do/make’ = "mention" (+жөнүндө)
  • сөз эт- < сөз ‘word’ + эт- ‘do’ = "talk (?)"
  • пайда бол- < пайда ‘use’ + бол- ‘be’ = "appear"
  • аракет кыл- < аракет ‘effort’ + кыл- ‘do, make’ = "try to" (+DAT)

N is in other cases

  • турмушка чык- < турмуш ‘lifestyle’ + dative + чык- ‘leave’ = "get married (for women)" (+DAT)
  • камакка ал- < камак ‘captivity’ + dative + ал- ‘take’ = "arrest" (+ACC)
  • жумушка ал- < жумуш ‘work’ + dative + ал- ‘take’ = "hire" (+ACC)
  • башка кел- < баш ‘head’ + dative + кел- ‘come’ = "come up unexpectedly"
  • жолго чык- < жол ‘way’ + dative + чык- ‘depart’ = "set off"
  • жолго сал- < жол ‘way’ + dative + сал- ‘put in’ = "send off" (+ACC)
  • жумушка сал- < жумуш ‘work’ + dative + сал- ‘put in’ = "set to work" (+ACC)
  • сөзгө кел- < сөз ‘something said’ + dative + кел- ‘come’ = "come to an agreement"
  • колдон кел- < кол ‘hand’ + possessive (person for whom its doable) + ablative + кел- ‘come’ = "be doable for someone" (+GEN & POSS)