Lexical differences between Kazakh and Kyrgyz

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This is here mainly to quantify lexical differences between Kazakh and Kyrgyz. For sound correspondence issues, see Turkic sound changes and Turkic words that shouldn't be as they are.

False friends A

(Words that look/sound similar, but meaning different - probably unrelated)

Kyrgyz Kazakh
word gloss word gloss
tamaşa a joke tamaşa perfect
zaŋ shit zaŋ law
saz swamp saz melody
ıya huh? iyä yes

False friends B

(Words that look/sound similar, but meaning different - probably related)

Kyrgyz Kazakh
word gloss word gloss
arman a regret, a sorrow arman dream / a wish for something to come
eje mother äje grandmother
apa mother apa older female [relative]
juma friday, week juma friday (, dial. week)
jönököy simple jönekey ?
jay slow jay slow, simple, quiet
tamga letter (of alphabet) taŋba ~sign, tamga
jığaç wood ağaş tree, wood
baq tree baq garden
tuura correct, straight tuwra straight
durus ? durıs correct
aruu ~pure (adj.) arıw beautiful girl (n.)
qalta ~cloth/sack for carrying something qalta pocket
uq- listen uq- ~understand
şaş- hurry sas- be panicked (about)
oromo a wrapped steamed ~dumpling oralma headscarf
qarma- hold qarma- catch
ata father ata grandfather
qabırğa rib(s) qabırğa wall
qalempir pepper qalampır clove(s)
qaalağan any qalağan that's wanted
kez kelgen that's turn/time has come (?) kez kelgen any
tuu- to bear child (animal) tuw- to bear child (general/human)

Words where cognate doesn't exist

(bold = word doesn't exist as cognate; every line should have at least one bolded word)

Kyrgyz Kazakh
word gloss word gloss
üy bülö family otbası family
ooba yes iyä yes
ıya? huh?
tataal complicated/complex keşendi complicated/complex
qotor- translate, convert awdar- translate, convert
emerek furniture jıyhaz furniture
je or nemese or
daroo immediately birden "
qoqus(tan) suddenly ?
ayant [city] square alaŋ "
? şomalda- to bathe
qooz pleasant to look at (not person) ?
mıyzam law zaŋ "
unaa means of transportation kölik "
ele (many uses)
da (mood marker)
jomoq fairy tale ertek "
obon melody saz "
ır song än "
ırda- sing än ayt- "
manja finger sawsaq "
uy cow sıyır "
çaqa (dial. çelek) bucket şelek bucket
apta (dial.) week apta week
çöntök pocket qalta pocket
uq- listen, hear esit- hear
uq- listen, hear tıŋda- listen
bastıq boss
izilde- research zerte- research
kiyinki next, following kelesi next, following
jooluq scarf oralma headscarf
toqoy forest orman forest
qarma- hold usta- hold
dubal wall qabırğa wall
çağılğan lightning nayzağay lightning
çoŋ big ülken big
çoğuu together birge together
tör- to bear child (human) tuw- to bear child
jaşılça vegetable(s) kökinis vegetable(s)
belek gift sıylıq gift
şüüdürüm dew şıq dew
tilekke qarşı unfortunately ökinişke oray unfortunately

Words where cognate's form is different

(or where only part of cognate is the same; cognate pieces underlined)

Kyrgyz Kazakh
word gloss word gloss
ayıl village awıl village
/jumuş qıl- to work jumıs iste- to work
tiyeşelüü concerning tiyisti concerning
qatıstı related to
(bir) tuulğan relative tuwıs relative
erteŋ menen morning taŋ-erteŋ morning
etiş verb etistik verb
zat atooç noun zat esim noun
kiçinekey little kişkentay little
teskeriçe backwards, other way around kerisinşe backwards, other way around

Cognates where default variant is different

Kyrgyz Kazakh
word gloss word gloss
aqısız, tegin free (of cost) tegin, aqısız "
jardam, kömök help, aid, assistance kömek, jardam "
jönöt-, jiber- send jiber-, jönet-, jolda- "
jaqında near jaqında, juwıqta "
jaq- to be pleasing to jaq-, una- "
joluq-, kesdeş- to meet (with) kesdes- "
daraq, baq tree ağaş, daraq "
köp often jiyi "
şaar city qala, şahar (dial.) "
jılmay- smile kül-, jımıy- "
muzdaq cold (beverage) muzdaq, muzday (dial.), salqın "

Cognates with different vowel harmony

Kyrgyz Kazakh
word gloss word gloss
maani meaning mağına, män meaning
maalımat information mälimet, mağlumat infomration
aalam ~world ğalam, älem world
baarı all bäri all
salam a greeting sälem a greeting
jana and jäne and
raqmat thanks raqmet thanks
urmat respect qurmet respect
qata mistake qate mistake
qalempir pepper qalampır clove(s)
misalı an example mısalı an example
kitep book kitap book
miŋ 1000 mıŋ 1000
idiş dish ıdıs plate
Kyrgyz Kazakh
jıldız star juldız star
mında/y here / like this munda/y here / like this
büt- to finish (v.i.) bit- to finish (v.i.)
münöz person's character minez person's character


  • Kazakh jüye - system
  • basqı, başqı
  • Kazakh mülde
  • Kyrgyz ayabay
  • Kazakh saw bol-
  • Kazakh abay bol-, Kyrgyz etiyet bol-
  • Kyrgyz qamsız qıl-
  • Kyrgyz jaşoo
  • qarın/qursaq
  • Kazakh adis, Kyrgyz maman
  • Kazakh mätin
  • Kazakh amal joq, Kyrgyz ayla joq
  • mıq/jügir?