Counterculture/World Timeline

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Full Timeline:

1861 (January): The Confederate States of America secede from the United States of America.

1861 (February): The Confederate Constitution is ratified.

1861 (April/May): Virginia, Arkansas, Tennesse and North Carolina secede and join the Confederate States.

1862 (July): Gettysburg.

1863 (June): West Virginia admitted to USA.

1864 (June): The Northwest Confederacy breaks away from the United States of America.

1864 (July): Confederate troops approach and are beaten back from Washington DC.

1864: (July): England and France recognize the CSA.

1864 (September): The end of the Confederate Revolutionary War.

1864 (December): Confederate Government officially adopts the "Southern Cross" as its national flag.

1866 (February): The Lone Star Republic breaks away from the Confederate States.

1866 (April): The Western American War begins.

1867 (January): Robert E. Lee elected president of the CSA.

1867 (March): England creates the Dominion of Canada.

1867 (May): The Western American War ends.

1867 (June): Ratification of the Lone Star Republic's Constitution.

1869 (March): Confederate government starts issuing national currency.

1870 (February): California joins the Lone Star Republic.

1870 (March): Arizona and New Mexico join the Lone Star Republic.

1872 (April): The Navajo Indian Territory is added to the Lone Star Indian Territories.

1872 (December): The Farite Revolutionary War begins.

1873 (August): Simon Sterne travels the the Northwest Confederacy to join the revolution and to sell his vision of democratic representation.

1873 (October): Northwest Confederacy forces identify the town of Kuna as a communications hub and training center for revolutionary forces. The town is pillaged and burned by NWC forces. When word reaches neighboring towns and cities food and supplies are sent to help the town recover.

1873 (November): At a large meeting of revolutionaries and sympathizers in the town of Kuna, Simon Sterne makes a famous speech which unifies the people with a common vision - a vision called the Free American Republic. When it gets dark, candles are distributed by a local sculptor. The candles are made from casting wax, since the ordinary candles were lost in the fire. A poet writes about the sight of the people gathered together with green candles. Her poem eventually leads to the tradition of Farite communities gathering each year with green candles on Consitution Day. Each year, FAR celebrates and talks together about how the country can be changed for the better, just as on that night in Kuna.

1873 (December): The Farites take control of Idaho.

1874 (January): The Farites take control of Nevada, Utah, and Colorado.

1874 (February): The Farite Revolutionary War ends.

1874 (August): The Constitution of the Free American Republic is ratified. Simon Sterne is inaugurated as the first president of the Free American Republic.

1874 (September): The Farite congress passes the Civility Act - a collection of laws which forbid and prescribe punishments for crimes such as murder and burglary. Also, congress declares October 7th annual Decoration Day.

1875 (March): England gives complete sovereignty to the Dominion of Canada.

1876 (January): The Farite congress passes the Immigration Act of 1876 which enacted strict requirements for immigration including a proven ability to read and write in the English language and to understand the Constitution, laws, and contracts.

1876 (March): The Farite congress passes the Limited State of Emergency Act which granted the president limited powers for addressing national emergencies without invoking Suspension of Law.

1878 (June): The Farite congress elects Representative Samuel J. Tilden to the office of president.

1878 (August): Samuel J. Tilden is inaugurated as the second president of the Free American Republic.

1880 (February): The Farite congress passes the Thanksgiving Act, granting the president the power to declare national days of Thanksgiving.

1881 (March): When a forest fire of unprecidented proportions ravages Minnesota and traps hundreds of citizens of the United States of America against the border of the Free American Republic, the Farite president grants them entrance and asylum in violation of the Immigration Act of 1876. President Tilden personally notifies the sumpreme court that he has exercised his power to suspend law, initiating the first impeachment trial in the history of the Free American Republic.

1881 (December): President Tilden is found innocent of abusing his power to suspend law in an 89% national referendum.

1883 (December): The Lakota Indian Territory is added to the Lone Star Indian Territories.

1884 (January): The Chippewa Indian Territory is added to the Lone Star Indian Territories.

1885 (January): Jeb Stuart elected president of CSA

1887 (January): The first Council of Chiefs is organized within the Lone Star Indian Territories.

1890 (January): The Farite congress declares the anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution of the Free American Republic a national holiday.

1891 (January): Custis Lee elected president of the CSA

1893 (April): The Council of Chiefs of the Lone Star Indian Territories push the Lone Star Republic into aiding the Mayans against Mexican forces in the Caste War of Yucatan.

1894 (June): The Confederate States of America begins Staggered Release Program for its slaves.

1894 (July): Mississippi secedes to found the Republic of Mississippi.

1896 (August): Canada's negotiations to purchase Alaska from Russia disolve with the Klondike gold rush.

1896 (November): Mississippi readmitted to the CSA.

1901 (May): The Mayans of the Yucatan are defeated by Mexican forces.

1901 (May): The Maya Indian Territory is added to the Lone Star Indian Territories.

1901 (May): The Lone Star Indian Territories along with the Lone Star Republic open their borders to Indians of all the Americas in the Open Indian Territories proclamation.

1901 (May): The Maya Indian Territory is added to the Lone Star Indian Territories.

1909 (May): First battle of the Labor Wars in the Lone Star Republic.

1914 (June): World War I begins.

1917 (August): Russian Revolutionary War begins in Alaska.

1917 (November): Russia withdraws from World War I.

1918 (September): The first cases of severe influenza are reported in the Free American Republic (many retrospectively diagnosed).

1918 (October): World War I ends with dissolution of the Ottoman Empire & harsh penalties imposed on Germany.

1918 (November): The Ormsby Chronicle announces that "We have arrived at an epidemic," in regards to the recent outbreaks of influenza in FAR.

1919 (January): The Farite congress passes the Kinship Act of 1919 allowing adult citizens to chose their legal family and compelling hospitals and financial institutions to cooperate in matters of visitation and inheritance.

1920 (March): In FAR, the Quarantine Measure almost passes in a 52% congressional vote (a 2/3 supermajority was required).

1923 (May): By 1923, 30% of the Farite population has been infected (with a 60% death rate) and 10% have fled the country. The Quarantine Measure passes in a 76% congressional vote. Butte, a northern district with a nearly 100% infection rate, is selected as the quarantine district. All inficted citizens are forcibly moved to Butte, whose border is patrolled by the National Guard. Quarantine deserters are shot on sight.

1923 (October): 60 out of 233 Farite congressional representatives have been quarantined. Congress passes the District Stewardship Act of 1923. Under this law, each district must elect a Steward who will report directly to the president and exercise many of the powers of the president on a local level in the event that the district loses contact with the national government.

1923 (November): In FAR, an uprising at the northeastern border of the quarantine district erupts into a devastating battle. Many of the quarantined escape into Canada (most of whom were killed by the Canadian military). Reporters deliver the demands of the quarantined to the Farite people: more clean food, restoration of the right to governmental representation, and a plan to identify and release individuals who have survived influenza and are no longer contageous.

1924 (February): Under pressure from a majority of the people, the Farite congress passes a measure to allow the quarantined citizens to vote and appropriates money for the supply of clean food to the quarantine district.

1924 (March): Advised by doctors, the Farite congress ends the quarantine measures, requiring instead that all new cases are immediately and forcibly hospitalized. To this day, anyone infected with the flu is required report their condition to a hospital and may be compelled to receive treatment if the president declares an epidemic emergency.

1924 (April): The Farite president declares the end of the national emergency and schedules an extra day of Thanksgiving (the second one in 1924).

1928 (January): The Farite congress passes the Health and Education Act of 1928, introducing government-funded systems of healthcare and education.

1928 (May): The Farite ongress passes the Copyright Act of 1928, granted authors and inventors limited rights to make profits from their work. In a departure from most copyright laws, this law did not allow authors to restrict the use of their works except in regards to attribution. Before 1928, the Free American Republic had no copyright laws as they were considered an afront to freedom of speech.

1930 (June): The Farite congress passes the Citizenship and Immigration Act of 1930, extending the requirements of the Immigration Act of 1876 to native citizens wishing to become independent citizens with the right to vote and make contracts without a councilor.

1938 (September): Florida becomes the first state in the CSA to allow women to vote.

1939 (September): World War II begins with German invasion of Poland.

1940 (October): In FAR, the Health and Education Amendment is passed in the second round of a supermajority national referendum. This amendment made the Health and Education Act of 1928 constitutional by adding education and a healthy environment to the rights of every citizen, ending what the newspapers dubbed "The Health-Care and Education Debacle".

1945 (January): The Farite congress officially adopts the tradition of Labor Day on May 1st of each year for the Free American Republic. Later than month, congress declares New Year's Day also to be an annual national holiday.

1945 (July): World War II ends when Russia drops an atomic bomb on Berlin.

1947 (January): The European Union is formed.

1948 (February): The Farite congress passes the Public Decency Act of 1948, abolishing public nudity, extreme public profanity, and public displays of sexual or romantic affection between persons of the same sex.

1950 (October): The United States, Lone Star Republic, and Canada form the American Union.

1951 (July): The Free American Republic and Mexico join the American Union.

1951 (August): After the success of the first round of a national referendum for the Clarification Amendment, the Farite congress repeals the Public Decency Act. This is widely considered to be the beginning of the Counterculture Movement in the Free American Republic.

1952 (November): The Confederate States join the American Union.

1953 (July): In FAR, the Clarification Amendment is passed, adding a clarification of rights explicitly protecting such forms of expression as public nudity and profanity. It also requires that every section of national law include text justifying the law in terms of the constitutional guarantees of liberty and representation. The deadline for compliance with that requirement was set at January 1st, 1960.

1954 (March): The Farite congress passes "Clarification Compliance Act 1". This act satisfied the requirements of the Clarification Amendment for laws about which a general consensus could be reached in congress. More controversial measures were deferred until after further debate.

1956 (January): The Farite congress approves and adopts the green candle flag design so that FAR is not the only member of the American Union without a flag.

1959 (November): The Farite congress passes "Clarification Compliance Act 2". With the compliance deadline for the Clarification Amendment impending, congress passes this act to reach full compliance in the law.

1961 (February): The Farite congress moves Labor Day to May 2nd, acknowledging that May 1st is a pagan religious holiday.

1961 (April): Kansas gets its own seat in the American Union.

1961 (April): The Farite congress passes the Transportation and Communication Act of 1961, establishing a contract relationship between the national government and companies which require a network of roads, tunnels, and conduits throughout the country in order to provide transportation and communication services. Before this time, all such contracts were made with district councils.

1969 (April): Virginia becomes the first state in the CSA to allow blacks to vote.

1977 (July): The CSA passes national legislation allowing blacks to vote in all states.

1983 (February): Mississippi is the last Confederate state to give women the vote.

1992 (January): The Farite congress passes the Digital Democracy Act, beginning the process of shifting toward using databases and computer networks to keep track of votes and petitions and to provide more accessible forums for public debate.

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