My versions of JNW's strange words.
(Headings and order are based strictly on JNW's page.)
- * Phonemically equivalent to JNW’s version
- † JNW’s version is irregular and unusual
- ‡ My version is irregular and unusual
- strawberry† - [stʃɹoːbɹi], [stʃɹoːbɹi]‡
- wash† - [wɔʃ]
- Washington† - [ˈwɔʃɪŋtən]
- squash† - [skwɔʃ]
3uTOUO <a href="">mepqamjkurmv</a>, [url=]etlrzaoiisnu[/url], [link=]wbexixbaeobk[/link],
- catch‡ - [kʰætʃ]
- that‡ - [ðæt], [ðət]
(In this section, I won't mark equivalence or divergence as it's a split. Note that the two versions imd are just allophones caused by a following voiceless consonant; this behavior is very common imd and I don't show it or comparble non-phonemic cases in other sections.)
- eyes - [ɑˑez]
- bide - [bɑˑed]
- ice - [ɑes]
- bite - [bɑet]
- Idaho, Ida [ɑˑe]
- cider, spider [ɑˑe]
- icon [ɑe], nikon [ɪ], daikon [ɑe]
- cyclops, psycho [ɑe]
- life [lɑef] → lives [lɑˑevz]
- high, high school [ɑˑe]
- ‘I scream’ [ɑˑe], ‘icecream’ [ɑe]
(Again, it's hard to make a claim of eqivalence or divergence due to the split/merger in JNW's English.)
- before /l, r/
- ail, ale - [æijəɫ]
- Al - [æːɫ]
- trailer (both senses) - [tʃɹæilɐ]
- mailing/Maling - [mæilɪŋ]
- Beowulf - [bæiwʊf], [beː-], [bɪi-]
- nightmare - [ˈnɑetmeː]
- ‘night mare’ - [ˈnɑet ˈmeː]
- air - [eː]
- before /m, n/
- an [æn], hand [hæːnd]
- Hannah [hænɐ]
- before /ŋ, g/
- waggon, hang [wægən], [hæɪŋ]~[hæŋ]
I skip this section.
- collar* - [kʰɔlɐ]*, caller* - [kʰoːlɐ]*
- holler* - [hɔlɐ]*, hauler* - [hoːlɐ]*
- collie* - [kʰɔli]*
- cauliflower - [kʰɔliflæɔwɐ]
- Jacob† - [dʒæikəb]
- Virginia† - [vəˈdʒɪnjɐ]
- substitute† - [sabstətʃʉːt]
- hubcap† - [habkæp]
- ostrich* - [ɔstʃɹɪdʒ]*, sandwich [sæːmwɪdʒ]
- comfortable* - [kʰamftəbəɫ]*
- Wednesday* - [wenzdæi]*
- February - [febjəɹi]
- family - [fæːməli]‡, [fæːmli]* (never *[fæməli] as the orthography would suggest)
- favorite* - [fæivɹət]*
- asteroid - [æstəɹoid], [æstʃɹoid]
- privledge* - [pʰrɪvlɪdʒ]*
- potato, pathetic - [pʰə-]
- katana [kʰə-], tomato [tʰə-]
of /r/ is so "well derr" imd that I'll skip it—except to observe that "February" is covered above.
Other People
- diaper - [dɑepɐ]
- diamond - [dɑemənd]
- hop - [hɔp]
- restaurant - [ɹest(ə)ɹɔnt] (note that if the [ə] is dropped, I don't get tɹ→tʃɹ)
- because - [bəkɔz]
- association - [əsɔʉʃiæʃən]
- material - [mətʰɪːɹiəɫ]